A downloadable Mote for Windows and macOS


Mote is a gothic style medieval horror adventure, which follows The Knight of Lenderberg - Dagaric, who has suffered from his past mistakes long enough and now he has to face some tragic events and venture to fight the wicked. 

This project was done under 1 month. I have been developing some of my own scripts, working hard on the story and mechanics. This is not a small game, compare to my previous works, but I assure you it will bring tension, drama and good atmosphere. 

All the assets are premade, the rest is done by me, which includes story, mechanics, AI, combat and texturing. Thanks a lot for showing me great support, I can't express my gratitude enough towards all of you, who visit my page and share the experience. 





LMB (Left Mouse Button)




Mote.MAC.rar 159 MB
Mote.Windows.rar 122 MB

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Great story and atmosphere!

Big thanks for playing and being so supportive. I deeply appreciate the feedback and the showcase. Wish all the best to you and your channel! 


Good, but I had to restart game 2 times because I fell into pillars xD


Huge thanks for playing! Sorry about the pillars lol, those were really poorly designed. Nevertheless, thanks and glad that you liked the game overall. Best to you! 



Thanks once again for playing my game and sharing it on the game's page! Cheers! 


Hey! Again!

What a unique game, I like the fantasy setting and that it's like an action/adventure but with underlying horror aspects in it too. I like the details like the wolf, potatoes, extra texts describing what you come across, wish it didn't end there but I suppose it makes sense with the story that at that point you have the whole picture of the story.

Also the combat is a bit wonky but also I kinda like it, especially since I can attack as fast as I'm able to click my mouse so the axe became a machine gun haha it was fun though!

Great work!


Monumental thanks once again for playing Vidas! 
Glad that you enjoyed this one. The weapon system was quite new to me at that time and yeah, it is poorly balanced. I try to give more attention to the story, most of the time. But yeah, feel good that you liked it lol. Cheers! 


Hello Niven! Gave this older game of yours a whirl and thought it was another decent one. Here's another video for your comment section:

I think this game is really something special, and I love what you did with the music too. I left lots of feedback in my playthrough. Excellent work!


This was a great adventure. The story was compelling, and for me it's always interesting when the protagonist is just left as an empty shell at the end, for me the emotion that conveys is a lot more powerful than hero saves the day stories. This nailed that feeling even more with the ambience and overall murky visuals.

The constant change of scenery and visual style, along with the atmospheric audio really gave the sense of adventure.  I especially liked the abandoned village & the people hanging on the trees, those looked great. You promised tension, drama, atmosphere and you delivered :D 


You are super kind Mike! Thank you. This comment just made my day. I tried a lot with this game and compare to others, this is probably the most complex and full game, the reason why I feel happy if you liked it. Thanks again!


I had to restart a couple times because I once I fell through the floor, and once I fell into the center of one of the tower staircases.

Overall, pretty interesting, but I would have loved to see a bit more of the story. The text at the beginning sets up some pretty cool lore, and seeing the aftermath of that is good, but then I feel like it starts to fall apart a bit once you get inside the castle. 

Still, I had fun, and it's a hell of a lot better than anything I could manage in a month.

Thanks a lot for the feedback. It was helpful and I am glad you enjoyed the game overall.


Certainly! The atmosphere was very well done, giving that sense of foreboding and dread. I look forward to any more projects you might have lined up!


love your game was super fun :):):)

Thanks for playing. Appreciate the feedback. 


Definitely like the look and feel of the game, but I thought maybe like a big boss or something at the end would be really fantastic! But overall I really liked this game! 


Thank you for kind words and amazing feedback, I really appreciate that. 


This is a weirdly well-made game, in the sense that its visual quality fluctuates heavily, I don't know if that's intentional but it adds to the story. It's a very interesting art style.

And by that I mean that the texture quality is great yet it's badly tiled the terrain is pretty low-poly. Some models are very detailed and some are not. It feels like the perfect representation of a B-game, but not in a bad way, I think that it just makes it even more mysterious and it feels more "off" than say a horror AAA game which just doesn't feel as honest I guess.

I believe that less "loved" and less visually appealing things have a deeper meaning to them.

The soundtrack of this game is awesome and it fits perfectly with the emotion each scene is trying to convey.

The game takes place in a medieval age, which isn't that common for a horror game, they usually take place in the present or the 80s/90s.

The story is a perfect tragedy, one that shows the harsher reality of the world, it doesn't give the player any satisfaction from it, there's no happy ending, just emptiness, similar to the art style which is just not beautiful to look at, because it shouldn't be.

In short, the story just feels very real, the medieval theme adding to that, since obviously people were dying left and right then and it was considered normal. Nothing is beautiful in it, because it shouldn't be, it's the furthest thing from comfort.


You just made my day good Sir! 
I am so humbled and blessed with such an amazing comment. Thank you, deeply, thank you for taking time and playing my game, it means a lot to me. 
Well, the visual style is intentional and I am fully aware it is not UE4 type of quality, but truth is I am doing above average of what the engine can provide me with. 
You are right about the story, it is tragedy, although it has some dialogue hinting on references like "The Tragedy of Macbeth" and "Princess Bride" in which case the game is cheesy. This was my first time dealing with AI structure and combat, so, I tried. 
Thanks once again, for this heartfelt comment and I do appreciate support. Cheers! 


Good Game, but I

broke it a few times...

Thank you for your feedback and thanks for breaking my game lol. This was super fun. Appreciate the feedback. 


It's a good game. It shouldn't be scary. I think it's very fun!

(2 edits)

Thank you for your kind feedback. 
Well, the game is tagged horror, but horror definition is not only "scary", generally horror is defined as intense feeling of scare, shock or disgust, the unsettling state of mind. In this particular case, it's gothic horror and psychological, which means there is tension in the plot and there is a theme. Because someone is not jumping from the corner, does not mean it's not horror.  
If you think that medieval times theme of soldier trapped in his own guilt, with direct indication of violence is fun, then it's your opinion.  I mentioned on the page that the game is fiction, although I hope you do realize people were hanged and brutally killed in medieval times with their families burned and hanged, that really happened. 


i did a speedrun of your game :D im having fun on it, thanks!

Wow! Record time! This was truly amusing and made my day. Thank you so so very much! 


nice game 

Thank you for your feedback, I truly appreciate that. 


It is refreshing to see a medieval style horror game. Really great concept. Keep up the great work! 

Thank you for playing my game, I truly enjoyed your playthrough. Fun! 




Thank you for this amazing gameplay. I deeply appreciate that. 


Hi Niven, its me again xD
Cool adventure game, it really feels really refreshing among all the horror games on this platform. I was pleasantly surprised about the game being this story rich, atmosphere feels great and the idea is really unique. Tho Gameplay and graphics wise there is still room for improvement but for one of your โ€žfirstโ€œ games itโ€™s really good so far. Also it kinda reminds me of one of my first games (Suffers), could be coincidence tho.

Anyways keep up the work ;)


Your highness! Wow, really glad you enjoyed my game. To be honest, I did not expect this kind review from the pro like you and I am super grateful.

This is my first game, which has actual AI and combat in it, otherwise it's like 20th or 19th game I've made solo. 

Many people say that graphical design was kind of an issue, but in all fareness it's the style I choose my games to be made in, I am fully aware that the game does not have normal mapping or High Resolution shadows and etc.

I've checked out the game "Suffers" and it's really neat. Kind of similar to mine in terms of, I guess snow and castle, otherwise the story is way better in your game. Mine is just "Skyrim" on a keto diet, lol. 

Once again, huge thanks to you for checking out my game and leaving the feedback. Much appreciated. 


Impressive! โค๏ธ

Thank you for the feedback and nice emoji ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

You're welcome! โค๏ธ



Cool big emoji! ๐Ÿ˜€



Thank you for playing the game, I appreciate the feedback.


You're welcome! Thank you for making the game :D


Are you trying to pander to me, sir? This was a delightful little game that I enjoyed playing a good bit more than I should have. There are some issues, sure, but it had an interesting story, amusing gameplay, and a lot of potential.


Thank you so much man, I was fond of your gameplay and did enjoy you being trapped in the pillar. Next time, I will add a rope or maybe spikes on the bottom? Hm...
Thanks for the gameplay ๐Ÿ˜.


I found myself wanting more story. The why of it all. The who. Just more in general about this world. And that is a good thing because the world and the story are interesting.

Thanks for playing the game. I appreciate the feedback and I promise to give more answers next time, if I make something similar or have a different game. Thank you. 


The game has a certain potential, if it is well-crafted. The story is very interesting, I would like to see more development of it. There are some bugs in the game, it's a fact, but I think it can be improved. Congratulations for your work.

Thank you so much. I did enjoy your review and suggestions. I will definitely try to improve the games in the future. Cheers! 


This game was not bad. Definitely like the medieval style throughout the whole game. Made a video on it.


Thank you tons! I deeply appreciate the feedback and the review. 


Oh, it's fun. It's a good game

Thanks a lot, I really appreciate kind words. 


AND MY AXE !!! :D i hope you dont mind me rambling in the end but it was enjoyable and im looking forward to see more of you !


Thank you a lot, I deeply appreciate the feedback I would make sure improve upon the things you mentioned. Thanks!


The game had a really interesting mirroring to WW1 vets after the fighting. I liked that. Though I didn't like having a swarm of goblins come at me at once. XD But besides that, nice job.

Here's my channel for other games I have played. https://www.youtube.com/c/Levont

I am grateful for your input on the game and super thankful for playing this. I hope Goblins did not scare you too much. Thanks again Levont. 


 Great game I liked

Thanks a lot for playing, I appreciate the feedback. 


Great game I liked it a lot  10/10 my friend it was  well-designed environments 


Thank you so very much for the review and perfect score. I am super happy you enjoyed the environments.


Hi there, I am DragonExplosion and I am a Youtuber. If you like my videos, please leave a like and subscribe at my channel.

This was a cool medieval style horror game with very beautiful and horrifying designs of the various environments. The large number of well-designed environments for each part of the game, helped to make the entire horror game feel complete and made the storyline of the game stand out as well. It would be cool if there was a health bar or a battle mechanic involved to make the battles with the monsters in the game more challenging and terrifying due to fear of dying to the monsters.

Thank you for reading my comment and I wish you good luck in your future endeavours.


Thank you for amazing feedback. This was my first try for creating AI and the health bar would be pretty good, I agree. You can die in the game, technically, but I made it easy, because I did not want people to struggle too much. Although, next time, I will make it more challenging, advice noted. Thanks again for the gameplay.


Great game! I actually got stuck inside one of the pillers by falling into the middle of it hahaha. Always enjoy your work.

Thank you. The original design had the player falling into the pillar and getting spiked, but I thought it would be cruel and showed mercy...but...next time I won't ๐Ÿ˜ (dramatic music sound effect). 
Loved the playthrough! 


Thanks! Your games are always different and interesting.


Oh yes making a video tonight on this

Thank you! I am looking forward to it.