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What a terrifying ride!!

I know this is PT inspired but I really enjoy the little pieces that were from your imagination and creative box. The flavor you added to the mix was awesome and I'd love to see what else you could do with more time and resources. Keep up the great work and look forward to seein what kind of scares you have for us in the future! 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive 

Much Love 


Superb video and very engaging commentary. Best to you man! πŸŽ‰


Intriguing story! Still very confused, but enjoyed the jumpscares!

The video and thumbnail was creepy! I liked every minute of it. You trying to figure out the story was hilarious too. Thanks again man ✌


thanks! Loved playing it!



πŸ‘»Spooky and fun video. Cheers ✌


Enjoyed the game, the atmosphere was good and some of the jumpscares still got me even though I knew what was gonna happen!

Glad you enjoyed the game. Cheers man! 


I would love it if you would make more onto this game it would do so good 

had a blast playing this game

Thanks man. Glad you enjoyed it πŸ‘»


really well-done with a good concept. the radio voiceovers did a great job of building tension, and the atmosphere was on-point. solid effort, solid game. 

Thanks a lot for the feedback. Glad you enjoyed the overall experience. Cheers πŸŽ‰


The lore caught me off guard but I really enjoyed it!



For being inspired by P.T. this was pretty solid. Liked how the story was being told via the radio, that was a nice touch. Got all the endings. Made a video on it.


Your playthrough was awesome, once again, thanks man ✌

vou gravar esse game na terΓ§a-feira beleza 

Obrigado meu amigo. Bom.

a de adicionei no discord blz

Desculpa eu desativei o discord por algum tempo 😊


sem problemas qual que coisa   so me avisar   blz  se cuida amigo 


Enjoyed this one, story took me by a surprise!

Your playthrough was awesome. The bad ending was a bit surprising and ambiguous, yeah. Glad you like it ✌


Great job with this game, I like it, the sound effects were neat with some subtle scares, good work :)


It means a lot to me, when you genuinely enjoy the game and give positive feedback. Glad to see your channel grow big and best to you Stella. I watched the video and left a comment, liked it too πŸŽ‰


Cool game indeed!

Brilliant! πŸ‘Œ
Thanks for playing man.


interesting game. well done. no 2 in the video

Nailed the entire video. Thanks again πŸ‘


I thought it was interesting with the story through the radio. Great game!

Sharpen that axe man, don't forget to press EEEE 🀣


Your games, at face value, have a simplicity that belies the deeper themes and story elements and are always a pleasure to play. Good stuff! Here's my No Commentary walkthrough:

P.S. Are you still working on Hollow? I know third-person can be a pain. Keep up the great work, man!

Felt really good to see your playthrough. Always makes my day better. 

As for the Hollow, the development is on hold for now. I got 1-2 more games to make before the year ends, some FPS, short games, you know. Next year, I will try and mainly work on Hollow. 


yeah other cool game nive ! boom



love your game very much i can't wait for more thank you :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Thanks again for the video and helping me with the bug about the second ending. Phew, I fixed it πŸ‘Œ


Nice short experience, I thought it was paced pretty well and the atmosphere was great. The control pop-up at the start has WASD in the wrong order though :D

Mike! It has been a while Sir! 
Thanks for the positive feedback. I tried to do my best as always. Good thing you noticed, I will fix it right up. 
I missed your games, so I do hope you are working on something new. Cheers friend ✌

(1 edit) (+1)

You're welcome! I like your games, since they're always really immersive. I've been very busy the past few months so haven't had time to work on anything myself. Might be able to make something around Christmas, though! :)

Same, that's why I made this short one. We can have a friendly competition, so boost the motivation - you make a game for Christmas and I will make a game for Christmas and then play, yeah 😁



Hi there, I am DragonExplosion and I am a Youtuber. If you like my videos, please leave a like and subscribe at my channel.

Knowing that the game is inspired by P.T., I was looking forward to the countless cycles of horrific events and storytelling that could happen in the game. The game was short and sweet, making use of claustrophobic tunnels, change in lighting to make the experience more scary and interesting for the player. The storyline for the game was definitely not something that I expected and it made the entire experience more mysterious yet interesting as the player slowly unveils the truth behind what is happening and the ending was something that I enjoyed as well ;). Would be great if there were more horrific events occurring while venturing through the tunnels to make the entire experience more horrifying as well as more sound effects to make the player dread running through the tunnels.

Thank you for reading my comment and I wish you good luck in your future endeavours.


I've missed this so much DragonExplosion! 
Thanks for the kindest review. I'm glad you enjoyed it for what it was, a short experience. Next time I will put more sound effects, even thou I think some of them scared you off, Idk, I hope so lol. 
Thanks again πŸ’Œ

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