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Nice game! The horror situation is something that can actually happen. People are the scariest monsters out there after all... Really good job! I liked it a lot! =D


Thanks for playing, once again. Your playthrough was awesome. Yeah, sometimes people are the scariest and there is nothing we can do about it, but at least the character escaped him. I really appreciate the positive feedback. Best to you! Cheers! 


Just a very lonely man I don't see a problem here

Just pure joy! Fantastic video. Earned a big, solid sub from me on your channel. All the best to you! 


The killer was wandering around and it was difficult to escape. XD

Thanks for playing. Well, that was definitely the idea behind the game. I'm glad you enjoyed the game overall. Best to you and your channel! Cheers! 


Niven... that was amazing. This is my favorite game of yours so far, loved every second of it. Robert was hilarious but also unnerving, great job with him. I also had a bug that allowed me to climb a tree ?? lol. Fantastic job my friend. 

Here is the video if you want to watch ! :)

Lol, the tree issue is still ongoing, must have something to do with the asset I've used. Nevertheless, huge thanks for playing and giving your time to my game. Really appreciate that. All the best to you ✌

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

For a short game, pretty good experience. But I feel like it was missing something in the last stage.
(minor spoiler below)

The ending just... happened, without any like... release of the tension build-up along the way. Even a classic cheap jumpscare would do the job probably.
Edit: from seeing some others videos, I see now that I just didn't encounter the guy in the basement at all for some reason. Not sure if I was just lucky or what.


Thanks for playing. The ending was just straight forward. I usually lean towards the regular, good endings, so that was it. The jump scare is not my style at all and it really made no narrative sense to have it here, even with the original ending, which had the AI just run around, it did not work. You did not encounter "the guy", because he was completely removed from the scene. Hope this helped to get some clearance. Best to you mate. 


This game is really dark, but I still really enjoyed it. The story is undeniably a great story for an horror game. Great job with this game. I made a video if you're interested, it is the third game I play. 


Huge thanks for playing my game man! I really appreciate your positive comments and I will do my best to make the next games even better, as always. Cheers! 


Second in the line up. I had few instance of sticking movement after text boxes. One instance of text box hang out long after it popped up, the bucket text in this case. But good work over all. Interesting premise, good build up. Lots of little touches to put you off your game a little. Solid work. 

Thanks for playing the game. I really appreciate the feedback and playthrough. Best to your channel 🎇


Happy to my good duder.


@ Niven,

OT - Isn't this your game @

I could've sworn I played this game eons ago, and I thought it was made by you, no?


Hello Dear Friend!
Oh no, no. I wish I could make games like that. That's the developer Mike Klubnika. He is an awesome lad. Just published the collection of short games, which you must check out. I definitely have no contribution to his work, other than I am a huge FAN of his.
Thanks for stopping by 💌


Quite liked the visual style. I do wish it was a little deeper, but I think for a short horror experience it's quite concise. LOVED seeing him lean and stare.


Thank you so much. I truly appreciate the feedback. Glad you enjoyed the game. Best to you 💌


Fun as hell please make more the womens dialogue is so accurate haha

Lol! Thank you so much. I am glad you enjoyed the game. Best to you man! 


Just wanted to say I absolutely love the style of this game, super inspired by it for my own personal projects. I especially love the background being a flat png to just a skybox, something about it is creepy in a unique way but I can't put my finger on it. Maybe it's a feeling of being trapped?

Also, did you use an engine or make your own for this? just wondering.


What a positive comment! Thank you so much. Your kind words really mean a lot. The environment is a blend of the 3D skybox and trees. You can clearly see the walls are 2D items and the rest is 3D objects. I guess feeling trapped is one emotion the player experiences, although my main goal was for them to feel very uncomfortable, the reason why I chose the setting to be bright, during daylight and not generic night time - also, logically, no one visits people at the cemetery during the night, ya know. 
As said on my profile and also in the game, once you open the application, it is made with Copper Cube 6. It is a decent engine, which does not get enough credit. In my opinion, it works fine and keeps my work more imaginative and more or less original. 
Hope this answered your question. Cheers!

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

I have never heard of Copper Cube 6, but I'll be downloading and trying it now to see if it can save me from learning Unity haha

EDIT: WAIT THERE'S NO PROGRAMMING? I was being sarcastic before but this might actually be awesome lol


interesting short game I'm looking forward to play more of your games

Heres my walkthrough


I'm glad you enjoyed the game. Thanks for playing. Best to you and your channel ✌


Simple yet effective and with a very surprising ending. Great work!


Thank you for playing. I really appreciate the feedback. Best to you likewise! 


The only game i have played whose story itself is too scary

Awesome video. I am super glad you liked the game and it had that effect on you, because initially, the game is not supposed to be scary, rather uncomfortable and bizarre. Thanks again for playing my game. Cheers! 


Well written and executed game, very enjoyable.  I think this is your best work to date IMO, well done you set the bar high.

That's the highest praise I've got, EVER! Thanks mate!
Super appreciative of your video. It was a fun one. All the best to you 💌


I enjoyed the game. Really funny and dark story at the end!! I did a video on my channel (ESP) hope you like it! ^^

Thanks for playing. Appreciate the feedback and support. Cheers! 


Thank you. I have enjoyed it. Goosebumps! :)

Thank you so much. I'm glad you had a great experience with the game. Best to you mate ✌


Grave cool

Thanks! Appreciate the feedback ✌


Doomer vs Stinky uncle

Thanks for playing. Liked the video a lot. Cheers! 


Why is the game lagging?


Thanks for checking out my game. I have to ask you to check out your recording software. Clearly the issue is on your side and not mine. I have seen over 100 videos of my game, all playthroughs. There were 0 issues with the frame rate. In addition, if you look closely at your video, even your face recorder starts lagging at certain point, which can't be the case unless your software is causing trouble. I wish there was a problem and I was to blame, but it is not. Copper Cube 6 is the "potato" engine from all the other game engines, because it runs smoothly on every PC even without optimization. Hope your software gets fixed.
Best to you.


Great game

Great video likewise mate! The edits were hilarious. I'm glad you had a really good time with the game. Thanks. All the best to you!


I had bad vibes about you know who! Nice game. As it has been said, the AI was wonky on Robert, but still overall awesome game. Thank you for the work you put into this, and the story telling. I appreciate you sharing it with us!

I made a video if anyone would like to see:

Robert was sneaky for sure. Huge thanks for plying! I really enjoyed the gameplay and the commentary. Thanks for supporting my work. Cheers 🎇


I Liked the game... That dude Robert is a weirdo lmao

Thanks for playing mate! The edits in the video were hilarious. Best to your channel, keep up the great vibe! 


I broke the game twice but I really enjoyed it.

Thanks for playing the game. sorry about the tree issue. Best to you and your channel! 


Great game :) played it with my friend on stream and had a lot of fun being creeped out!! Just wanted to comment and let you know that we never got chased, actually didn't know there was a chase scene until I came back to the comments to check if there was another ending. Not sure if I missed something but I wasn't able to interact with anything in the basement besides the ladder and key.

Thanks for the feedback. I really appreciate your interest in the game. The official version of the game had issues, so I had to update it and now it is more atmospheric, rather than "action" type. Although, even with the original version, the character was never supposed to chase you or anything like that. As for interaction, you can't really do much in the basement logically, as the character is trying to escape, so yeah, that was it. Best to you and your friend ✌


Oh this was fun and spooky! It got a little buggy at the end, but overall it was a great time! 


Such an amazing video, as always glad to see your playthrough mate! Thanks for your time and feedback. The buggy side is already fixed, as I said so yeah, enjoy lol. Cheers 🎇


The gravedigger is acting very suspiciously


He was definitely suspicious, unfortunately. Thanks for playing my game, glad that you enjoyed it so much. Best to you! 


really enjoyed it! 


Loved the video. Thanks for playing 🎇


La quatorzième édition de cette série de jeux d'horreur 3 pour 1 et voici les titres ; - Akazu off limit Vous vous trouvez dans une forêt pour finalement arrivé à une maison style Japonaise mais avec beaucoup de présence paranormale. - Unseen Trace Vous allez porté des fleurs à votre mère décédé pour la fête des mères mais un intru vous bloque la route. - Something in the woods Vous êtes policier et vous avez envie d'un bon café à la station service mais vous faite une horrible découverte.

Superb video! Thanks for checking out the game. Wish all the best to you and your channel 🎉


Thk a lot . I really love your game


Once again, a very well made game! I loved the more "realistic" horror approach and the fact that you didn't shy away from "adult" themes. The chase sequence was just a tiny bit buggy(Robert's pathfinding) but that's a minor issue. The story is quite interesting and I would love to see more games based on this, be it either on Robert's or Anne's side(there is potential in both approaches). Keep up the good work mate!

A thousand thanks for playing! I will note your feedback about the characters and continuation, definitely. Hope you can enjoy future games as well. Cheers 🍻


This game was pretty good. I liked how obvious it was that the guy was up to no good. I didn't like the chase at the end though. I think its a little buggy and also took me forever to figure out that I needed to get the ladder before the key lol The game was perfect at making me feel uncomfortable :)


Huge thanks for playing! I loved the commentary. The issues with AI are fixed now, thanks for that. Hope you enjoyed the game overall. Cheers 🎉


The AI was a little buggy and weird, otherwise a great creepy horror game! Well done!

Thanks for playing. I really appreciate the feedback. Best to you. Cheers! 


The basement part was really frustrating -Love It!

Thanks for playing. Sorry it was a little frustrating. Glad you enjoyed the game overall. Cheers! 


Pretty good short horror experience. Only thing I had an issue with was I wasn't sure if the guy at the end was broken or if he was supposed to chase me around. Otherwise great game.

Thank you for playing the game, I really appreciate the video. The basement sequence was a "stealth" one, which basically required for the player to wait out the bad guy - intentionally, but I guess I can see how some might find it "broken". Anyways, I truly appreciate the feedback. Cheers! 


This was a fun little experience! I enjoyed the story and loved to hate that groundskeeper. I'm glad it had a good ending. Great sound effects too!

I truly appreciate your kind feedback. I'm glad you had a good experience and wish the best to you! Cheers 🎇

It has potential. However, the basement is buggy. Its hard getting the key, then when he comes down he gets stuck in the hallway to where I can't get around hi

You are supposed to wait out for the antagonist, that's the point of him going around in the same place. Eventually he does come around and you can win the game, just with patience. And the key problem is odd. Maybe you are trying to get the ladder and the key at the same time? You are supposed to get the ladder in place and then get the key. Follow the narrative and don't force it mate. You should be able to do everything if you follow the rules.


She's a bit daft isn't she xD

Nice game

She might have been a bit daft yeah lol. Thanks again for playing. Loved the video. Cheers 🍻


Wish I could pick up the key while holding up a ladder but aside from that it's a great short horror experience! ;)

Sorry about the ladder. I would think of a solution in the future. Thanks for playing. Best to you and your channel! Cheers! 


You've nailed it again Niven! I had a blast of a time with it!
I look forward to your next project, keep it up!

HILARIOUS VIDEO! "You piece of Shack" got me soo goood!
Thanks for playing once again man, please keep that content coming 💌


Hello, I played this game and I liked it, the only nitpick I'd say is that it felt a bit annoying that I couldn't pick up the key before putting up the ladder but aside that I had fun! Great job :)


It's always nice to see your playthrough! Thanks for playing Stella 🎇Your feedback is noted, of course. 

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