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I know I say this on every game you release, but there's a reason for it: Because it's the truth, so here it comes again: You just keep getting better and better with every new game. This one actually got significant emotional response out of me....Sure it was seething hatred for the player character but still, genuine emotional reaction is genuine shaped. Well done! Looking forward to the next one (as always!)


Erin was class A C*NT, let's agree on that lol. 
Monumental thanks for playing, supporting and always, every single time inspiring me to keep moving forward and I just have to admit how big of a responsibility you and many others carry as, without people like you, specifically you, I would definitely given up on making game and just do something else or not do this at all, so, your videos and your support are immeasurable. Yeah. 
Best to you as always, love ya man! 


Great horror Game like always do. My mind still got haunted by that girl laugh after i completed game. hopefully my mind will recover few hours later (=

Thanks a lot for playing and showcasing my game on your channel! Appreciate the kind words friend. Cheers! 



Heyo! The video was fun lol! Thanks for considering my games and putting them in the edit, hell yeah! Best to you mate!

Deleted 111 days ago

Thanks a bunch for playing and showcasing the game on your channel friend! Appreciate the nice comments. Best to you and your channel! 

Hello, I would like you to subscribe to my YouTube channel please, your help is very important to me, greetings!!


Hey Niven! Loved the game! You are so good at making the creepy dark environments! The little laugh got me. I also really enjoyed the story. On a side note, I recorded the game just to find out at the very end, my audio wasn't recording. So no video from me on this. But hey, I'm still gonna leave my review. Keep up the great work man!

Dahobbester ✨✨✨✨✨!
Thank you so very much for checking out the game. That's unfortunate with the recording, but As long as you enjoyed the content, I am more than happy man! Thanks for being awesome and wish all the best!

(1 edit) (+1)

guys i tried downloading the file for my video and it said virus detected. IT SAID THIS SCRIPT WAS IN THE VIRUS/ DOWNLOAD.



(1 edit) (+1)

Hello. No, the file does not contain virus. I wrote about it briefly with another person, who also tried to download my game. Windows has been having a false positive issue with slightly new/unknown stuff. Flags it as the report you described - Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml. It actually stands for "Machine Learning", the last 2 numerals. 

In short, it is not a virus. You can choose not to play the game friend, but I can reassure you it is safe and tested and downloaded by over 1K people (I can show you the stats of this current game if you want). Not to mention my other games also, have been downloaded and made into gameplays for over 5 years. Thanks for the comment anyways.  
Edit: This page alone showcases over 30+ gameplay videos. If the game had a virus, those people would write something friend, I've been doing this for a while, I should know better. 


I got the same thing unfortunately. idk if its bad or not honestly. Once I figure out a work around I can let you know.

(1 edit)

Hello again. Don't mean to sound like a broken record, but the game has over 1K downloads and I am not a person, who has ever censored or deleted anyone's comments. The page has 31 gameplay videos and I am 100% sure that if anyone had an issue they would write me directly. But, again, your choice who to trust or not. 
Edit: Just in case, I am the developer, maybe that was not clear. Thanks 😊


Played your game and I gotta say it was amazing it was really well done and made I played a lot of your games and might i say you got some pretty good ones! Keep it up and cant wait for another one of your creations!

Thanks a thousand times for playing and supporting my work, I really appreciate that friend! Wish all the best to you and your channel! 


Can someone assist me? I wanna try this game for my channel but every time i download it i get a "virus detected" notification and the download cancels. game doesn't seem to be bugged since i see people still uploading below.

Hello. I can reassure you the game has no such things as "virus" or "harmful software". Sadly, the browsing system keeps giving most of the downloads false claims. It has to do with 2 main issues - browser flagging unknown folders and the game engine that I use. See, Copper Cube 6 isn't as popular as let's say unity or unreal, so sometimes it gets confused as "virus". Those are the main 2 reasons why it keeps getting "detected". 

Now you can either download the game or not, it's up to you. I am just reassuring that I personally, intentionally has never put any harmful folders over the course of uploading games for 5 years and countless of YouTube videos, thousand of thousands of comments can back me up. So yeah.

Either way, thanks for the comment.

I was not implying that is was causing viruses. I was looking for a way to download it and bypass the "virus" notification I kept getting that cancels the download immediately. My goal is to play it because it does look interesting. I will get it figured out and add it to my channel. Thanks for the prompt response. :)

Not at all. Sorry if I came out a bit different friend. Like I said, Windows has been having a false positive issue with slightly new/unknown stuff. Flags it as a Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml. It happens to lots of games on itch and I play/record games constantly on YouTube, so I can relate to your concern. 
Thanks again and best of luck! 


Another amazing game bro. I was tired as heck and got jump scared a few times but I enjoyed playing this. Keep up the good work  

Don't tell me you were tired while making this superb edit man, you are the champ! 
Many thanks for playing, for supporting and liking my content. Best to you ✨


Wery nice job niven your are master!good job i like it and reccomended!very good game! :) 


Like I said, your English is very good! Thanks a bunch for playing and supporting my work, I really appreciate that. best to you and your channel! 


gutes game 

Many thanks for playing and supporting my work! I really appreciate the showcase on your channel. Best to you ✨


Gret experience, Hedinger. ALL ENDINGS HERE: 

This is awesome! Thanks a bunch for playing and showcasing both endings, yeah! I really appreciate the feedback. Best to you Legend ✌



Huge thanks for playing! Appreciate the nice feedback. All the best to you! 


I stand by what I said, this was one of your best games since, incoherence. So dark, straight to the point, creepy as hell.. I liked the story, it was kinda sad as well. 

I apologise for mispronouncing Mika at the start haha! 
Here is my video!

What a lovely comment, thanks! That really means a lot. I will continue with making darker stories, maybe every other game, will see lol. Don't worry about name pronunciations 😅
Best to you ❤


Nice game W

Thanks a bunch for playing! Glad that you liked the game. W video as well 🙌


Really good game 

Huge thanks for playing! Glad that you liked the game. Wish all the best to you ✌


good job 👍

Thank you! I tried and I'm glad it worked out well. Appreciate the feedback and showcase, as always. Cheers friend ✨


great game. Highly appreciated that! I'll post the video when its all ready. 

Likewise! I highly appreciate your time and support ✨


Really great work at building up the creepy atmosphere and the payoff was great.

Big thanks for playing, for being such an awesome lad and supporting my work friend! It really means a lot. All the best to you and your channel! 


Once again, this is a really solid game. It's also nice to see you branch out in how you tell your story. Keep it up.

Here's my channel for other games I have played.

A thousand thanks for playing and supporting my work Levont! You always did and I hope you always will lol. Your videos are really great. Appreciate the kind feedback and wish you the best! 


This was really good! Spooky

Thanks a lot for playing and showcasing my game man! Appreciate the positive comments, hell yeah! Best to you ✌

No Problem


Please add Portuguese subtitles, excellent game 10\10

Many thanks for playing! I deeply appreciate the feedback and video. Unfortunately, I do not have the foreign interpreter, as most of my games are bit-sized and I don't really plan on making that work. Maybe with a bigger game and when I won't be doing this alone. Thanks again! 

ok, thanks broo


This was a fun and scary horror game to play. The story of mika bullying was a bit sad and I kinda wanted to put her spirit to rest. The horror and jumpscares were good, the jumpscares got me a lot and I found parts of the school creepy. I give this a 5/5 can't wait to see what else you make.

Her vengeful spirit will live on and who knows, maybe she will trap more sinned souls - Lol! 
Many thanks for playing, showing support and much appreciate all of that. Cheers ✌


Yet another solid game by niven himself!
Short but pretty damn good for what this was. Loved both the endings and the story was quite good and dark. Liked how at first it starts off innocent. Made a video on it.


Horror should be innocent, from the start lol. Thanks a bunch for playing Fearagen! All the best to you my friend 🙌


Muchísimas gracias por compartir el juego, has tocado un tema muy sensible de una manera magistral, es terrible lo que le hicieron a la pobre chica del juego, si te imaginas en su situación es completamente terrorífico, además, el juego tiene 2 finales completamente diferentes, por todo ello te doy 5 estrellas, saludos!!!

Monumental thanks for playing Belrion! It is an honor to see your video, uploaded, here, with an exceptional feedback. I'm really glad you liked the story. Best to you and your channel man ❤❤❤ OBRIGADO! 


Yo this was pretty creepy and a couple of the scares got me pretty good, nice job once again Niven!


The Goat Dev has spoken 🙌
Thanks a bunch for dropping by and playing the game Jordon! I deeply appreciate your input in this and hope to see your games as well, soon! Good luck mate ❤


A fucking gem of a game dude, my current favorite indie game of the year.

A thousand times thanks for such great compliments! I deeply appreciate the support and I am super glad that you liked this. Tried to have that "incoherence" vibe and hopefully, other projects will have darker themes, yeah. Best to you buddy ✨


realmente disfruto tus juegos, muy aterradores y creativos

Many thanks for playing and giving such a positive feedback. I try to do my best with creating creepy environments. Glad that this one worked. All the best to you friend 🙌


LOOK I'M SORRY OK, SO I MAYBE SORTA KINDA STUFFED YOU INTO A LOCKER AND LEFT YOU TO DIE, MY REPUTATION AMONG THE COOL KIDS WAS ON THE LINE!!! ( Yes I played two of your games in a row, I just wanted to catch up since I've definitely missed a good amount of them lol ) YOutube Link - 

Thank you so very much for playing this, I deeply appreciate your enthusiasm and support friend. Wish all the best! Hope the next game delivers more spooks. Cheers ✌


Another great game my dude! This was really solid, a little on the depressing side but a great story! This is why no one should ever bully. I really enjoyed this all around, great graphics, fun sounds and spooks and I liked that ending! I enjoyed and recommend completely! Here is my gameplay video, sub and help my channel grow everyone :)

Many thanks for playing and supporting my work, as always man! Appreciate the positive comments. All the best to you 🙌


Hi Niven! Nice game :D Got 2 endings


Hello friend! Thanks a bunch for playing and finding both endings, yeah! Appreciate your support and feedback. Best to you! 


Hi Niven! I'm a big fan of your work and i like this game! It's different from your usual style and I like that you're branching out a bit!

Love the game! :D

Huge thanks for playing and supporting my work mate, I deeply appreciate that. Glad to deliver a gameplay worthy content lol. Wish all the best to you! 



I loved it man, good atmosphere 

the only technical critic is that you can interact with various objects from a distance, not only in intended way

that's all, see you to the next banger


Hello mate! Big thanks for playing and supporting my work, I really appreciate that. Yes, I am aware of that, the long distance interaction is the main flaw of the game engine I use, sadly. I am trying to implement different "interaction" mechanic for the future games, so, will see how it work.
Best to you! 


Another niven banger. We need to discuss your bathroom design in great detail sometime though. 

I will make you the Chief of Staff next time I decide to decorate a bathroom, for sure lol! Thanks man! Gold content, banger commentary. All the best to you ✨✨✨✨✨


Excellent game, Niven!

The story is quite dark and cruel, I loved it. The plot "twist" reminded me a bit of Daniel's Nightmare, one of my own games, except you handled the madness factor much better.

I managed to unlock both endings, and I didn’t encounter any bugs along the way. I can honestly say that each of your games is better than the last.



What a review ❤
Thank you so very, super much for playing and supporting my work, as you always do friend. I deeply appreciate the feedback. I try to observe other developers' games, yes, but mainly I do watch horror media, a lot, that's why this had a bit more anime inspiration I guess, you can say that. In the end, I'm glad the game delivered. Best to you! 
Can't wait for some of your new projects too, good luck! 



Hey Hey Queen! Many thanks for playing and showcasing a video, yeah. Nice one ✨


ta ai para voce amigo 

Huge thanks for playing Leonardo! I appreciate your enthusiasm and support towards my work. Best to you! 

denada  amigo 


Another banger of a game from Niven!

Always on time, always with banger content! Monumental thanks for playing Man. Cheers 🍻


I really enjoyed this project. I couldn't help feeling that someone was lurking in the dark.... Can't wait for more :)

Many thanks for playing and giving such nice comments friend! Indeed, the ghost was everywhere, at least seemed like it. I hope to deliver more and longer games soon. Best to you as well! 


Great work dude. I liked the game so much. After a long time I played such a good horror game. Interesting environment, sound design ,visuals and a cool story line. Can't wait for more!

Hey friend! Thank you so very much for playing. I am super happy you liked it. It wasn't a very long one, but I spent most of the time on the visuals and some effects, so yeah. Glad that you liked this. Best to you! 

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