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Fifth in the run. Yep. That's right Niven.. I too am running around necromancing I mean digging up the back catalog a little. I swear I'll play Passerby, just not this Horror Sampler. Weird dream like and disturbing. Took me a bit to get the drift but after... A worth While little trip. I like that... strange melted quality to the textures. The idea that loop just keeps starting over. Reminds me a bit of Forbidden Siren in that way. 

I am glad you showed interest in this game. It is quite old and I had different ideas in mind, back then lol. It was supposed to be this tortured, limbo like place and it turned out to be more cursed. Nevertheless, I am glad you had fun with those. Wish all the best to you man 🙌


Day 2 of diving into Niven's game catalogue for me :D

Ascendance is simple enough in gameplay, but the unique environment and some things changing around made it interesting for me, I especially like when I get to climb high places and there's different paths to explore in the area, somehow that felt fun to just go around and find creepy things. The story itself was creepy too, judging from the ending I'd guess that this one passenger is going to each other passenger in the plane and, in a way, takes them into the afterlife individually? And we get to experience that. Pretty cool. I quite like the textures that are over 9000 on normal maps, or bump maps, it doesn't necessarily bring some realistic looking quality but it makes things look so rusty and sometimes it made me think I'm seeing someone standing in certain places but it was just a very messed up looking wall.

Anyway, good work!


You are very busy I see lol! Huge thanks once again for playing my older projects.
The normal maps feature was crazy. I made it accidently, although it kind of merged with the atmosphere and became this bizarre, Kitty Horror Show like project.
Thanks again for playing! 

(1 edit) (+1)

What's the best word for this game. Is it creepy? Is is eerie? Is it disturbing or unsettling? Maybe unnerving or even surreal? Truth is, it's all of those and it's good at each one. Very well done! A+


Huge thanks for playing! Loved the playthrough. It felt a bit nostalgic to look back at this project. Thanks for that as well. Cheers 🍻


Nice Game


Thank you, thank you a thousand times for playing my game I really appreciate your support. All the way. Best to you 🎉


As always man very nice stuff!

Loved the plot twist at the end :)

Thanks for playing yet another game, I really appreciate the support. It is weird, because I wrote to you recently, 5 days ago about "Shunned" and the comment is gone now. Point is, I was trying to reach you about my newest game "Shelved Whispers" and I thought maybe we could get in touch via email or discord so I could give you a free copy. 

Just think about it, no pressure. Cheers!

Oh that's not necessary, as i already purchased the game! :)

i will be playing it this weekend :)

Oh wow! That means so much. Thank you! Please next time I want to give it for free so, next game if it is not free, contact me for the code. Cheers mate! 


Hi ! Reading the comments make me know that I'm the onlyone who didn't have any tapes. Did I miss a trigger to make them spawn ? 

Hello. You are not the only one, some people have missed the tapes too. Well, first of all you have to find the recorder and then 4 tapes. Recorded is at the top of the building. Guess you will find a way. Good luck.


Great job on building a spooky atmosphere and giving a solid story in such a short time.


Thanks again for playing. Loved the video. 


Idk how y'all managed to make a building so creepy, but just the look of it had me creeped out lol. Also LOVE how smooth the twist at the end was! I haven't watched the film from the game page, yet, but that was great ^^

Huge thanks for playing this! Your brilliance of understanding the ending was fantastic. Best to you my friend 💌


I played it and I enjoyed it, but yeah as another commenter mentioned I was sort of lost after finding the four tapes. At first I thought I missed one before I triggered the ending.

I liked the visuals of the main building a lot, there was a lot of UV stretching but honestly I wouldn't complain, cause it fit the aesthetic nicely, & along with the atmosphere I found it pretty compelling. One thing I didn't get though is the guy lit on fire standing on a bus, lol. Is he ok? Nice game! I'm off to play Mote now :D


Thank you so much for playing and giving an honest feedback. Yes, the guy lit on fire was definitely not okay, I should check on him lol. The game was a bit of a mess towards the end, but I am glad you enjoyed it overall. Cheers!


im ascending 

Thanks for playing my game man. Really appreciate that. 


one more of your game  that i recorded

Thanks for playing my game, I am glad you enjoyed it. Liked the video. 


sim gostei sim


Enjoyed it!

Thanks for checking out the game and I am glad you enjoyed it. Thank you.


Good game, good development

Thank you good friend, I appreciate the feedback. 


Impressive! ❤️


Thanks for kind words, deeply appreciate that. 


I'm forever doomed to be stuck in this LOOP haha wow, talk about such a gritty environment! The aesthetic really adds to the total uneasiness you feel when playing. I wish the ending was something separate from the intro though, visually I mean, so it stands out to the player! Unfortunately, I glossed right over it, thinking the game restarted.

Good Work!


Thanks for the kind words and legit feedback. The ending is a bit of a miss, I agree, might have to fix that. 



Thanks a lot for playing and thumbs up, appreciate your time. 


Really creepy atmosphere. Good job! 

Huge thanks to you man! I loved the gameplay. 


I like the concept behind it. It was an interesting premise!

Thanks for playing the game, I really appreciate your feedback. 


hi, big thx for the great experience. greetings from rosti 🙏

Thanks for playing my game, I do appreciate your input and the gameplay. Tack så mycket 😊


The game was fun. I did get a bit confused about what was going on while playing the game, but I did easily manage to find everything.

I think I understand what the game is, but I might have at first confused myself after watching the ‘Unidentified’ video. The plane in which you are on during the intro is effectively limbo, while the airport you see is an amalgamation between your view of your destination, and pieces of your memories twisting together. In the game when we listen to the tapes we are listening to the player's life. This is why the airport looks completely charred, from the players perspective it is a loss of self, just like the character who can remember pieces but not perceive those memories as fully theirs.

On the plane you are losing yourself as you are passing on, the airport is just the representation of that moment of confusion and loss of self. At the end of the game we are seeing the same events that happened to you now happen to the next person.

It was a fun game, it did take me a little while and a few watches to truly grasp what I was playing and the visuals make a lot of sense why it seems such a mess and all charred when you think of the story.


Thanks a lot for this amazing feedback and review. I've never imagined someone would understand the story in such detail and pay attention to everything, because in the end it's just a game, but I wanted to make it feel like a true experience. Your comment made my day. 


mid asf, ran like ass too

Thanks for the feedback. It's unfortunate that the game did not work well. Was there any in game lag?


This was not bad. Liked the story progression with the tapes and the art style is pretty decent. Made a video on it.


Deeply appreciate the feedback and thanks for the gameplay. 


i played but why flaming man stay there?

Thanks for playing the game. It was part of the narration and story. 


I had fun playing through this one, and I really liked the visuals as well, you're definitely improving with every game, good work :)


Thanks for playing Stella. Huge thanks to you. 


OMG I loved this Awesome job man can't wait for more games I had so much fun playing and recording this game 10/10 for me man cheers 

Thank you so much man! I always enjoy your videos and appreciate your kind support! Cheers! 

Your so welcome and That means a lot


this game has a really uniqe setting and the storys pretty decent but it kinda falls flat because of some minor graphical things that make it just overall not very scary but besides the visuals this games great its well made and well conveyed it just needs a few graphic overhauls and this could be a really creepy game. overall its deffinetly worth playing its just not that scary if you want to see my full playthrough of this here it is

if you checked it out i appreciate you and i hope you have a good day regardless

Thank you so much for playing the game and giving it amazing feedback, really appreciate that. 


Interesting game. Congrats.

Thanks a lot for checking out my game and I appreciate the positive feedback. 


Oh this is next 🤩 can't wait 

Same. Looking forward to your feedback. 


Another good game, Niven! Was that my zombie friend Fred I saw?

Thank you man! Appreciate your feedback. 
Well, he auditioned for the game and told me not to tell ya, but you figured it out, lol. 


The game is currently downloading, im r e a l l y excited to play it, however i think you might have mispelled the title for the Itch page xD

Thank you so much for support, I really, really loved your games friend. Cheers! 
It's Ascendance, which means the state that exists when one person or group has power over another. Ascendance is a mainly American variant of ascendancy, which means the state of having dominance. "Ascendence" and "Ascendency" — with an "e" in place of the second "a" — are also listed in dictionaries as variants of ascendancy, but both are rare in published writing.


Thanks for the kind words!
By mispelling I was referring to the fact that it's spelled AscendaCne on the Itch.Io page, I think the c might be the spelling or more likely typing error here, but I could be wrong, since english is not my native language and i'm not very familiar with many uncommon words.

I just realized that, sorry, thanks for telling me. I have no idea why it was spelled wrong and I fixed it. My bad 😂


It was a good, spooky experience. I think I understood what was happening. You tell me if I got it right. Check out the video (first game).

Thanks a lot for playing this, I feel honored. Left a little comment on your channel.


love your game :):):)

Thank you, I truly appreciate your positive feedback. 


Hi there, I am DragonExplosion and I am a Youtuber. If you like my videos, please leave a like and subscribe at my channel.

Hi there again! DragEx is back to play your games and I liked how the creator is able to create a completely new design and atmosphere through the visual design of the game. This game was different from the other games in a good way. It kinda explored the idea of bizarreness and surrealism through how the objects in the game looked. I watched the video link that the creator left as well and found that concept interesting too. I liked how the creator was able to turn an idea like that into something completely different, being teleported to another place entirely.

The main issue for me in the game was the lack of direction near the end of the game where after I found the 4 tapes, I was quite lost as to where to goal. Somehow I found the way and I guess the trigger for the ending is to head to the highest part of the game after visiting the vent and collecting the 4 tapes? Also, what was the burning man supposed to be used for on top of the bus? I was wondering if he was going to jump down and attack me halfway through the game but nothing happened XD.

Thank you for reading my comment and I wish you good luck in your future endeavours.


Thank you so much for playing my game I deeply appreciate the feedback and your interest. I did leave some answers on your channel, in the comments section, because I don't want to spoil the plot here for those, who have not played the game.